What’s PVST#29?
Located in beautiful Phoenix, Paradise Valley Silver Trowel Lodge #29, F&AM meets every single Wednesday of the Month. Please check the calendar for our events this week!

Discover Our Weekly and Monthly Gatherings!
Lodge Schedule:

Stated Meeting
First Wednesday of the Month

Dinner at 6:30 PM, Lodge convenes at 7:30 PM
Each Wednesday Degree work and fellowship at 6:00 PM

Discover Our Weekly and Monthly Gatherings!
Lodge Schedule:

Stated Meeting
First Wednesday of the Month

Dinner at 6:30 PM, Lodge convenes at 7:30 PM
Each Wednesday Degree work and fellowship at 6:00 PM
Community Outreach
Bikes for Books
The Fred Stewart’s Bikes for Books program is a world-wide effort that originated right here in our own Lodge!
GW Oratorical Contest
Founded in 1956 by Worshipful Brother Robert Rimer, this program has been developing public speaking skills in young children ever since.
Widow’s Crew

This dedicated group of Brothers performs landscaping and maintenance tasks for the loved ones of our deceased Brothers.
Hope Women’s Shelter

Our Lodge is proud to support this wonderful women’s shelter serving our local community.