Written By Brother Billy Kozuh, Junior Deacon
On Wednesday, March 20th, PVST #29 experienced a Degree of Firsts. A Degree of what? Don’t you mean a First Degree? Well, okay, yes. It was a First Degree, but it also represented many firsts for this year’s officer line.
On this night, all of the Officers moved forward a position for the Degree work. Our Senior Warden, Mike Kosatka, not only sat in the East for the first time officially as Worshipful Master, but he also masterfully delivered the Entered Apprentice Lecture.
Our normal Worshipful Master, Jovan, sat humbly but proudly in the Junior Deacon’s chair and watched as his Officers performed the Ritual with confidence and flourish. Even our Fellow Crafts took part, filling roles as Junior Steward, Senior Steward, and even Treasurer! It was great to see the passion and participation of the Lodge.
And let’s not forget the man of honor of the evening, our long-awaited candidate, Daniel Finney. He entered as a Mister and left proudly as a Brother!

“As a new entered apprentice, I would like to share my experience going through my First Degree. It was very eye-opening as well as mystical. I didn’t feel any fear because I knew I was around brothers. A lot is thrown at you at once, but as long as you open your mind’s eye what is being said to you, it starts to make sense through the days that follow. I am very much looking forward to working these tools in my life, as well as with my brothers in our Lodge.”
Daniel Finney
I would like to congratulate all of the Brothers that made this night happen. It is great to see our Lodge not only coming together, but growing. I look forward to the future and all of the great things to come. Let there be light!